Monday, 24 February 2014

Make way for chickens

Chicken is super healthy! When it's cooked well, i mean - not deep fried.
Frozen chicken isn't healthy because of preservatives.

Chickens contain only a little fat and lots of proteins, its got zinc which increases the appetite and maintain your health, it keeps your bones and heart healthy, boost your immune system and relieves stress.

My favourite thing at the moment is roasted chicken. Its easy, quick to make and delicious! Here is my way of doing it.

1. Buy some thighs, legs or even a whole chicken
Personally i usually never get the chicken pre-marinated i always prefer to marinate myself with:
Honey or mustard
Soya and/or vinegar
Chilli powder, pepper and salt (you don't need to add all of that its really up to everyone)

2. Cook some sweet potatoes with skin (huge fan of them!)
Tips. Boiled them and when they are ready (not too soft) put them in a cold water the skin will come out easier.

3. Cut some onions, tomatoes and peppers (and whatever else you want)

Put everything (veggies, chicken and sweet potatoes) on a tray and in the oven for an hour!

Plus+. Spread some sesame seeds on the chicken once cooked ;)


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